Chemical Peels

Refresh and renew your skin with our Chemical Peels at Novi Skin & Body Center in Novi, MI. Experience the transformative effects of our treatments and explore our other services like Laser Treatments for a complete rejuvenation experience.

A woman with curly hair is laughing with her hand on her head.
A woman is touching her face with her hand on a white background.

Reveal Your Radiant Skin

VI Derm Chemical Peels are a popular choice for skin rejuvenation. They are formulated with a blend of powerful ingredients, including TCA, Retin-A, Salicylic Acid, Phenol, and Vitamin C, to address a variety of skin concerns. These peels are known for their effectiveness in improving skin tone and texture, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and treating acne and acne scars.

VI Derm Chemical Peels are suitable for all skin types and offer minimal downtime, making them a convenient option for those looking to revitalize their skin.

A woman with wet hair in a bun is smiling with her eyes closed.
A woman is smiling while looking at her face in the mirror.

the benefits of chemical peels

Reduce Pore Size

Chemical peels penetrate deep into the skin, dissolving oil and debris that clog pores, effectively reducing their size and improving overall skin texture. This leads to a smoother complexion and a more even skin tone.

Brighten Dull Skin

Chemical peels effectively exfoliate the top layer of dead skin cells, revealing fresh, new skin underneath. This process not only enhances skin radiance but also improves texture, giving your skin a vibrant and youthful glow.

Skin Rejuvenation

Chemical peels stimulate collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin, which helps to improve elasticity and firmness. This results in a more youthful appearance, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

VI Derm Chemical Peels

VI Derm Chemical Peel Treatments are a revolutionary solution for various skin concerns. Whether you're targeting signs of aging, acne-prone skin, or hyperpigmentation, VI Derm offers tailored treatments to meet your needs. These peels gently remove damaged skin layers, revealing a smoother, clearer, and more youthful complexion.

During the treatment, you may experience a mild stinging sensation that usually subsides quickly. Some downtime of 3-7 days can be expected, with possible peeling, redness, and sensitivity as your skin regenerates.

The frequency of treatments varies based on your skin concerns, with many professionals recommending sessions every 4-6 weeks. Results are typically visible within a week, with continued improvements over time. Book a consultation to discover the transformative effects of VI Derm Chemical Peels on your skin.

A woman is getting a facial treatment at a spa.
A woman is looking at her face in a mirror.

Types Of VI Derm Treatments

VI Derm offers six uniquely formulated VI Peel treatments designed to address specific skin concerns. Each of these peels offers a targeted approach to skincare, allowing you to choose the treatment best suited for your specific concerns.

VI Peel Original: Versatile peel for various skin concerns, including acne, aging signs, hyperpigmentation, and more. Balances oil production and enhances skin health.

VI Peel Purify: Targets acne-prone skin by clearing pores, killing bacteria, soothing inflammation, and reducing P. acne bacteria.

VI Peel Purify with Precision Plus: Dual booster system for active acne and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) treatment.

VI Peel Precision: Concentrated peel version of the VI Peel Original, suitable for stubborn skin concerns or mature skin types.

VI Peel Precision Plus: Targets pigmentation issues, age spots, and discoloration, smoothing skin texture for a renewed feel.

VI Peel Advanced: Combats aging signs by softening fine lines and wrinkles, stimulating collagen production, and improving skin elasticity.


Navigate your beauty journey seamlessly with answers to common queries in our FAQs section. 

Still Have Questions?

Contact Us
  • Can I wear makeup after a chemical peel?

    After a chemical peel, it's advisable to refrain from wearing makeup for the initial healing phase, typically spanning a few days. This precaution allows your skin to recover without interference. Following the peel, your skin may be more sensitive, so applying makeup could cause irritation or impede the healing process. 

    It's crucial to adhere to the post-peel guidelines provided by your skincare professional for optimal results. Additionally, opting for mineral-based or hypoallergenic makeup when you resume wearing it can minimize the risk of irritation and promote healthier skin.

  • What should I expect during a chemical peel treatment?

    During a chemical peel treatment, your skincare professional will start by cleansing your skin to remove any dirt or oil. Then, they will apply the chemical solution to your skin using a brush or cotton applicator. You may feel a slight tingling or burning sensation, which is normal and usually subsides quickly. 

    The solution is then left on your skin for a few minutes before being neutralized and removed. After the peel, your skin may appear red or flaky, and you may experience some mild discomfort. Your skincare professional will provide you with post-peel instructions, including applying a soothing moisturizer or sunscreen to protect your skin.

  • Can I go in the sun after a chemical peel?

    After a chemical peel, it's crucial to protect your skin from the sun. Sun exposure can increase the risk of post-peel complications like hyperpigmentation or sunburn. It's advisable to stay indoors or seek shade, especially during peak sunlight hours. 

    If you must go outside, wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher and reapply it every two hours. Additionally, cover your skin with protective clothing, hats, and sunglasses. These precautions can help maintain the results of your chemical peel and protect your skin from further damage.

  • Where is Novi Skin & Body Center located?

    Novi Skin & Body Center is conveniently located in Novi, MI. 

    Our current address is  26850 Providence Parkway, Novi, MI, 48374, US

    Our central location serves clients not only from Novi but also from surrounding areas, offering top-notch aesthetic services in a luxurious and welcoming environment. 

    Whether you're coming from Novi or nearby areas, our goal is to provide you with exceptional service and a rejuvenating experience that leaves you feeling refreshed and renewed.

client reviews

Renew Your Skin with Chemical Peels at Novi Skin & Body Center

Experience a renewed glow with our chemical peels at Novi Skin & Body Center in Novi, MI. Our tailored treatments rejuvenate your skin, revealing a smoother complexion. Discover our other services, including scalp treatments and skin irregularity removal, to complete your transformation. Book your appointment today to revitalize your skin and enhance your natural beauty.

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